From the editor: Many of you have expressed concerns about some of the harsh anonymous comments from readers. To remedy that, we are introducing new features. You can create your own blog, publish your news and share your photos with the community. Find out how your child\'s school did on state\'s latest physical fitness test (Orange County Register)
Executives from 12 large companies, including The Coca-Cola Co., Wells Fargo %26 Co., Kaiser Permanente, General Motors, and Dell, have jointly formed a blog Council aimed at promoting corporate blogging best practices -- a plan that has already elicited skepticism from many in the blogosphere. The founders described The blog Council, which launched this week, as a forum for executives to ... Corporations form group to create blogging best practices (InfoWorld)
Why is a Mac better than a PC? Well there are a lot of reasons, and of course it would take a while to list them all, so I’ll just throw a few out. Mac’s software and hardware work better and faster. My blog on Macs vs PCs (Herald and News)
If you know this command -- Load "*", 8,1 -- like the back of your hand, you probably have fond memories of the Commodore 64, one of the first home computers commercially available en masse. readers recall the life-changing Commodore 64 (
Naked Light tries revolutionizing image editing...Exorbitant Canon lens hood prices...helpful D3 tutorials...Dvorak keyboard analysis...Hardy Heron alpha release. Underexposed blog: Links of the day (CNET)
create your blog -- More Then Just Work At Home People
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