Saturday, December 8, 2007

advertising idea

The advertising industry can take legitimate pride in producing work that compares with the world’s best, over the last 60 years. Guest article: Anand Kurian on India’s best advertising man (Agencyfaqs!)

(antiMusic) We now have an idea of the "health issue" that caused Velvet Revolver to pull the plug on their tour Down Under. Seems their frontman had a bit of a run in with the law. Weiland Arrested - A Top Story This Week (antiMUSIC)

CEDAR FALLS — The idea of establishing a River Hills School foundation has been expanded to include all of Area Education Agency 267. AEA 267 included in foundation proposal (The Globe Gazette)

Using an expansive definition of the marketplace, Borrell Associates says that "local online advertising" is worth $8.5 billion today. That number consists of local search, "local banners" and local video. Banners is the biggest spending category and video the smallest. But Borrell expects local search to grow substantially and to reach almost 50% of the total local online spend next year, ... Local Online Ads Will Reach $12.6 Billion In 2008, Local Search Will Bring In $5 Billion Of That Total (Search Engine Land)

A WELSH further education college advertising campaign has been highly commended in a national award. Bird brain idea wins recognition (icWales)

advertising idea -- More Then Just Work At Home People

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know about our company. We sell 3 day 2 night travel certificates that are used by many companies as incentives.

The cost is only 0.35 cents each and they come with your company name and website imprinted on the certificates.

Think about using these for referrals or give them to customers/clients. You can sell them for a profit to your down-line.

The end user of the certificates has a choice of over 20 destinations to pick from. Take a look at the destinations at the website.

They pay a processing fee of $12.00 and the taxes on the room which is about $7.00-$12.00 a night depending on the location.