Thursday, October 9, 2008

999 untapped biz ops: 900-909

The 'click here' that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.....

900. Start a business which produces periscopes for viewing things underwater. For example, at the seaside, or at a lake, a person on the surface can put the periscope into the water and look around underwater. 


901. Add a stand to fragments of original rock from Mount Everest and sell them through gift shops or ads in mountaineering publications. You might also do the same for other major mountains. 


902. Produce an audio cassette course or correspondence course about entrepreneurship. The potential market includes the hundreds of thousands of people who want to start their own business each year. 


903. Establish a marketplace for computer hardware. On a computer or card index system list details of what sellers have to sell. Charge the sellers a fee. Place ads in computer magazines which invite telephone inquiries from those people looking for computer hardware.


904. Set up a marriage bureau in your area. Provide your clients with a personal, sincere and caring service which searches for suitable life partners.


905. Open a school of computing. Rent an office and teach or employ others to teach courses about computing. The most financially rewarding courses would be those which help students to get jobs in computing.


906. Bring out an audio cassette library of limericks. This might be produced for children or young adults. Have the cassettes stocked at bookshops, toyshops and newsagents.


907. Organise courses about how to increase the profitability of a bed and breakfast business. Hold these courses at holiday resorts where there are large numbers of bed and breakfast houses. 


908. If you have advanced knowledge of mathematics or computing, make an income from devising mathematical or computing puzzles. Sell these to magazines, newspapers and book publishers. 


909. Set up a firm which hires out sun beds. Use local advertising to publicise your service and offer clients a free delivery service.

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