Thursday, October 9, 2008

999 business ideas: 930-939

The 'click here' that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.....

930. Start a service which commissions artists to do drawings of business premises or private residences. Also arrange for the drawings to be reproduced on: stationery, postcards, calendars, business cards, etc. Advertise in business publications and also do work for established printers.


931. Manufacture marbles draughts sets. Instead of a checkerboard there is a wooden board with 64 round holes. The holes become the squares of the draughtboard and the marbles sit in them. Each side has marbles of a different colour and some extra colours to use as 'kings'.


932. Produce a series of booklets or audio cassettes about ideas for saving a variety of things. For example: 'Ideas for Saving Money', 'Ideas for Saving Time', 'Ideas for Saving You the Trouble of Dieting', etc. Sell by mail order as a complete set.


933. Produce a correspondence course about cartooning. Pay a skilled cartoonist to devise the course. 


934. If you have the artistic ability to become a cartoon caricaturist, earn money from doing amusing portraits at a thoroughfare of a shopping or tourist area. Or do caricatures outside football grounds on match day, at festivals, concerts, exhibitions, etc.


935. Compile and publish a year-book or 'Yellow Pages' type directory for those who want to start a business. In the directory list, for example: sources of finance, small business advisers, franchise companies, etc. Also sell advertising space to business opportunities promoters.


936. Learn the art of calligraphy. When you become a skilled calligrapher earn money from teaching others in your own home or at evening class.


937. Start a home party hire service. The hosts of children's and adults' parties hire from you: chairs, tables, cutlery, plates, glasses, barbecues, etc. Advertise your service either in local newspapers or newsagents windows. Provide a free delivery service.


938. Provide a sales service for oil-painters. Sell the work of artists by finding outlets and take a commission on all sales. Outlets might include: antiques shops, gift shops, private art exhibitions, overseas shops, etc. 


939. Bring out a selection of posters which are packed with biblical quotes. Sell these through religious bookshops and by post to schools and practicing Christians.

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