Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sort Out Your Financial Life With Peak Potentials Training

Peak Potentials

People have been talking a lot about T Harv Eker’s Peak Potentials Training programs lately, and it got me to thinking… is there really something to all of this? There are a lot of these kinds of programs out there. So, how do I know that Peak Potentials isn’t just operating another one of those “money-making” scams on everyone?

I wanted to know if there was really something to all the hype, so I decided to check out the Peak Potentials website to get an idea of exactly what courses and camps were available. Well, there were several; there was the Millionaire Mind Intensive, Extreme Wealth, something called the Enlightened Warrior Training Camp, and another called the Guerilla Business School, and there were others. Somehow, my mind conjured up a picture of a bunch of briefcase toting, camouflaged cornballs all stuck in one room grunting at each other.

While tooling around online, I came across a video of T Harv Eker making a presentation at an Enlightened Warrior Training Camp… and, by the end of that video, I could completely understand why people were so darn enthusiastic about his courses.  He was telling people how their fears can actually stop them from taking the actions necessary to be successful… he was talking about me! I was totally psyched!

See, T Harv Eker didn’t grow up a rich kid… his parents immigrated from Europe and were of modest means, and on his way to becoming the wealthy man that he is today, he has experienced success, and failure… and through failure learned the differences that sets wealthy people apart from the rest of us. I was totally fascinated, so I decided to try it out myself.

I decided to buy T Harv Eker’s Book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, to read over a long weekend. The cool thing about having bought this book is that I also got two free tickets to attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive… guess, who went?

Everything that I had heard and seen about the programs, didn’t prepare me for what I was about to learn! I had always imagined that I was rather knowledgeable about finances, and felt pretty secure about my future… and, what I learned by reading his book helped, of course. However, attending the seminar changed the
way I thought about my money and finances forever!

See, T Harv Eker realized that everyone has a financial “blueprint” - a financial thermostat, as it were - and that most people’s thermostat is set too low to experience real financial and personal success. So, the principles that are taught by the Peak Potentials instructors - and the exercises they have you do teach you to change your attitude about success. And, regardless of how silly I felt doing the exercises, I know it certainly changed mine.

What I liked most about T Harv Eker’s philosophy is that it’s so simple. He provided
me with the tools that I needed to succeed - all I had to do was to adopt a new attitude, a new mindset that allowed me to break down the mental barriers barring my way to personal and financial success. Here are some of the really cool strategies I learned at the seminar:

* The real reasons why we aren’t as financially successful as we should be;
* The wealthy and successful people use little-known strategies to stay that way;
* The 5 habits rich and powerful people use to grow their money;
* How to quadruple your wealth – up to 4x faster;
* My personal favorite – 12 ways to earn passive income even while sleeping.

I think what convinced me that the Peak Potentials programs were so awesome, was how their strategies and teachings were designed to help everybody experience success in their lives. It wasn’t just about helping the rich stay richer. All efforts were aimed at helping all of us to unleash our potential to succeed… something many of us don’t even realize we have.

Now, I’m a curious guy, so of course I cornered one of the instructors during a break and questioned him about some of the other programs Peak Potentials has.  Having scored 2 free tickets to the Millionaire Mind Intensive, I figured the price of lots of the other seminars and camps would cost a whole lot more, and boy was I right!  The 5 day camps ran about $6,000, and 3 day seminars about $3,000 – Yiikes! - but I figured it’s my future and I can’t put a price tag on that (and the instructor said that from time to time they do offer discounts) – so I’ll just consider it an investment in myself.

One of the things that I found most appealing about the Peak Potential programs is that you can take what you’ve learned and begin using it from day 1. Follow your action plan, and before you know it, you’ll begin to see some positive results occurring in your personal and financial life. Trust me… I know!

In order to keep the students who attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive on the right track, they gave us the 90-Day Wealth Conditioning Program book/guide. A short time, after we left the seminar, I wanted to follow up with some of the people I had talked with while I was there just to see how they were doing.  Here’s what I found out… only a couple of the students had used the program’s strategies and were seeing positive things happening in their lives and with their finances - the other people went home, put aside what they had been taught, and went back to their daily lives; needless to say, they didn’t experience any of the benefits of the seminar.

By now, I’m sure you’re asking yourself if Peak Potentials programs are really for you.  Well, if you have a drive to succeed, to make life better for yourself and your family and can make some time to put what you learn into practice, then you will definitely benefit from Peak Potentials seminars and camps.  If you throw yourself into learning the principles, changing your mindset and adopting T Harv Eker’s awesome attitude towards wealth and success, you will transform your life to everything you’ve ever dreamed about.

Can I recommend any of the Peak Potential Training programs?  Without a doubt!  If the Millionaire Mind Intensive is any indication of what’s in store at the Guerilla Business School, Enlightened Warrior Training Camp and other programs, you better get in while you still can!  In fact, I’ve already booked my spot at Extreme Wealth – see you there!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You nicely summed up the issue. I would add that this doesn’t exactly concenplate often. xD Anyway, good post…