Saturday, December 13, 2008

999 niche biz ops: 590-599

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590. Begin a postal service which sells the reproduction rights to formulae for making products such as stain removers, special glues and toilet water. Your custom will come from business opportunity seekers who want to reproduce these formulae for reselling. You can also sell the formulae as 'household secrets' through classified ads in women's magazines.

war in iraq


591. Publish a monthly newsletter which gives inspiration to those trying to lose weight. Successful dieting often depends on what's going on in a person's mind. A newsletter such as this can help to prepare a person, with various stories of success from those who have succeeded in losing weight and a selection of techniques to make the process easier.


592. Bring out an audio cassette course about how to lose weight. This might employ techniques of self-hypnosis or subliminal suggestion. Sell from ads in slimming and women's magazines.


593. At a suitable market open a stall which is devoted to selling products devoted to a particular popular cartoon character. 


594. Write and publish a manual about how to bring out a correspondence course. For many people this could be a route to a business which both provides enough money to live on and doesn't require much money to set up. Sell the manual to business opportunity seekers. 


595. Open a school of massage. Teach, or organise the teaching of, massage to those interested in becoming professionals.

brad pitt


596. Start a slide set of the month club for collectors of slides. Slides might be about, for example, classic photographs, art, technology, aeroplanes, trains and stamps. Advertise in photography magazines.


597. Found a stop smoking club. Hold club meetings at hired halls in various areas on different nights of the week. Employ a variety of techniques to help people to give up smoking. A great many people will be driven by the collective inspiration of the group. 


598. Produce biographical photographs of celebrities. For example, read all about the Beatles or the Rolling Stones to discover: Their places of birth, schools, first places of work, houses they once lived in, etc. Take photographs of these places, and put dates of birth below portrait photographs and sell to fans.


599. Reproduce old black and white or sepia photographs of a town as postcards, posters and framed prints. Have them stocked in a wide variety of shops.

jessica simpson

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