Saturday, December 13, 2008

999 niche biz ops: 570-579

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570. Begin a business which makes and distributes souvenir lucky charms. One example is a number seven made from metal and stamped with a place name.

Sell flowers at a market or roadside stall.

Super Bowl


571. Sell single roses from a roadside stall. Put up a big sign which both tempts people to buy a single rose and state the price.


572. Paint, or organise the painting of, designs on T-shirts. Sell the finished T-shirts through up-market shops where the price charged will provide a reasonable income. 


573. Begin a business which produces framed reprints of interesting old patents. Sell by post to professional people or have them stocked at gift shops.


574. Start a comprehensive garden maintenance service. Discuss with clients what work needs to be done to their gardens on a regular basis. People who use your service can have a beautiful garden and not do a minute of work in it themselves.


brad pitt


 575. Produce a series of music and sound effects audio cassettes which are specially designed to aid the growth of household plants. For example, sounds might include the wind blowing and birds singing. Advertise in gardening and householders magazines. 


576. Pick a well known old and long road. Research and write the history of that road. Have a few hundred booklets printed and sell to the residents and businesses along the road. 


577. Bring out a confidential newsletter which has a title like 'How to Overcome the Dissatisfactions You have with Your Life'. Provide subscribers with ideas and inspiration. Write about case studies and answer readers' questions. 


578. Be a roadside fortune-teller. 


579. Bring out a selection of pretty, non-picture postcards which are specially designed for friends to send brief notes to each other. Have them stocked at stationers, newsagents and shops which sell greeting cards. Find a source of common or high-quality soil, package and sell through hardware shops and garden centres.

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