Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Discover The Best Tips For Web Advertising Now

When starting out with an on line business there is one thing your going to need, web advertising.As you scour the web you'll come across many sites that look great but are really just there to take your money.  You have to be smart.  The majority of sites that will offer you search engine placement accompanied with a lot of exposure for you site are simply a waste of your time and money.

Below are a few tips and key indicators to look out for on your journey for exposure and traffic to your on line business via web advertisng.

First, do not waste your precious time and money with anyone/site that promises to send an ad out for your site to millions of people for a low fee.  These scams have been around since the advent of the Internet.  I mean, if you like throwing your money away then by all means, go for it.  If not, keep that money in your pocket.

Second, for the most part, stay away from companies that offer to place your site in a multitude of search engines.  There are some really great tools out there that you can use to do this yourself until you get an idea of what is needed and how effective search engine submission should be.  In all honesty, time is the best way to solve this problem.  As long as your site provides quality content the search engines will find you, for free.

Third, it is a good idea to invest your time and money in writing articles.  This is a time tested way to drive traffic to your site, increase the number of incoming links from other related sites on the net, get your site listed in many search engines and boost your rankings in the search engines once your in.  You can either write the articles yourself or have someone do it for you for anywhere from $5 to $15 an article.  It depends on your particular budget and preferences.

Fourth, invest your time and money in solo ads or ezine ads.  With ezine ads, you can place a small ad in a companies ezine that is relevant to your market for a small fee and usually receive great results.  You do need to know how to write an effective ad and then convert the traffic once it's on your site, but that's for another article.

Finally, do your research.  If you feel you have found a good site to advertise on, do a little research about that particular site.Take note of what others are saying and what successes they have or have not had.  Try going to advertising forums and ask around about the site in question or go to yahoo answers and post a question.  You will be surprised at how many people will be willing to help out.

In the beginning, try to find the best places to advertise on line can be a nightmare.  There is so much research involved and it can be very daunting.  You also need to know how to convert that traffic once it's on your site.It's a good idea to have a thick skin when starting out.  Many times you'll save yourself a lot of time in money just asking others about their experience with a certain site.

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